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Interface PaymentReference

A payment reference as wrapped in a structured description in the 86 section of the MT 940 format. Most properties will likely be undefined if no matching tags were found.


  • PaymentReference



Optional back

back: string

Return reference (RREF+). Specified if the transaction was a return.

Optional bank

bank: string

Bank identification reference (BREF+).

Optional bic

bic: string

The principal's BIC (BIC+ tag).

Optional creditorId

creditorId: string

Creditor identification (CRED+). Specified if the transaction was a debit.

Optional customerRef

customerRef: string

Customer reference (KREF+).

Optional date

date: Date

The transaction's date (DATUM).

Optional divergingPrincipal

divergingPrincipal: string

Specified if the principal of the transaction was diverging (ABWA+).

Optional endToEndRef

endToEndRef: string

End to end reference of the transaction (EREF+ tag).

Optional iban

iban: string

The principal's IBAN (IBAN+ tag).

Optional interestCompensation

interestCompensation: string

Interest compensation (COAM+). Specified if the transaction was a return.

Optional mandateRef

mandateRef: string

Mandate reference (MREF+). Specified if the transaction was a debit.

Optional originalTurnover

originalTurnover: string

Original amount of turnover (OAMT+). Specified if the transaction was a return.

Optional originatorId

originatorId: string

The originator's id (DEBT+).

Optional purpose

purpose: string

Purpose code


raw: string

The unprocessed, raw payment reference as a string.

Optional tan

tan: object

The tan associated with the transaction (TAN).

Type declaration

  • num: number
  • value: string

Optional text

text: string

The principal's specified payment reference (description text of the transaction) (SVWZ+).

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